
Showing posts from May, 2012

The Lonely, Complicated and the Miserable!

As a writer, I've come to develop a community of lonely and complicated people in my stories. Possibly a mirror image of the people I connect with in my own life. It makes me think of my tag line when advertising my blog  site, "Come connect with me!"  How often do we connect with the people in our own lives?   What are our relationships really built on, loyalty, jealousy or deceit? What affect have we truly made on each other, are we held up to a different standard than the next person.  Am I valued for being a better person, due to my religious beliefs, or political views? Or, better yet...have I befriended a person solely based on their values or point of view? In the past few weeks or so, I've come to ask myself these personal questions. I say personal, because their's a chance you may not like the answer to some of the questions provided. Honestly, it made me think differently. I realized how empty or lonely one can become, withou...

More Info, Please...

The Emotional Woman, is a literary novel that explores the complicated life of Zola Roberts, a young woman who suffers from a nervous breakdown after spending much of her time internally existing between two very unique worlds: Haunting images of the past... On the east side of Detroit, inside Bldg. 232, lies a depressing tiny two-bedroom unit, and its occupants: Coral Lincoln, a woman who is both emotionally and mentally unequipped to love and protect her daughter. Unable to cope with demons of her own, Coral continuously detaches herself from the life she shares with her daughter, Zola.  Life becomes even more damaging to Zola William’s young soul when Coral walks in on her lifeless husband, Ronnie Lincoln no longer seated in front of the television. But, yet just seconds away from molesting Zola. Inviting a monstrosity of turmoil into their worlds for years to come.   Leaving the two women to embark on a tormented journey that will forever impact their l...