Celebrating Detroit's, Fabulous Stacey Watson

Sizta 2 Sizta Healthy Hair Care Company was founded in 2003 after Stacey's personal and devastating ups and downs with hair issues for most of her life. S2SHHC was born out of frustration of the inability of African American women to grow and maintain long healthy hair. 

In late 2003, after doing extensive research Watson developed her first hair condition (S2S Deep Penetrating Conditioner) along with a hair growth technique called "Growing Hair One Inch At A Time" which enabled Stacey to go from short broken and damaged hair to hair past her bra strap. 

Sizta 2 Sizta Healthy Hair Care Company has gone from one product to an entire product line. Through re-education via Stacey's hair care guide and products, Watson continues to assist women of color across the world in achieving and maintaining the long healthy hair they have desired since childhood. ©StaceyWatson

I would like to add that Stacey Watson's line has definitely expanded, now offering a Masculine Scent for the gentleman in your life. Honestly, I make it my purpose to stop by her lovely shop in Ferndale {MI} to purchase gifts for all of my loved ones & dear friends. Sizta 2 Sizta offers a little something for all women, men... kids and shades! 

Stacey Watson, I encourage you to continue taking risk! Explore all opportunities awaiting your path because...
your entrepreneurial spirit is inspirational to us all! ~JR Randle

For more on Stacey Watson, please visit http://sizta2sizta.com/store/index.php

Stacey Watson, a native Detroiter lives a very busy life with fellow entrepreneur & restauranteur; Gerald Watson, and their two children.


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